Greek-Catholic Episcopal Palace Burns Down in Oradea

Former public library, the Greek-Catholic Episcopal Palace from Oradea, Romania was recently refurbished along with Union Square. An exceptional architectural jewel combining Neo-Romantic and Neo-Gothic styles, which I visited as a high school student back in the days it served as public library, the Palace was engulfed by furious flames last night being left in ruins.


About Cristina Popa

Cristina is a WordPress blogger who writes or shares updates on media, public affairs and various topics of interest. You may follow her on her Communication for Development blog or Twitter @CristinaPopa0
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10 Responses to Greek-Catholic Episcopal Palace Burns Down in Oradea

  1. AdiBond says:

    Imi pare rau sa aud asta !

  2. Cristina, Sorry this was meant for a different blog.. In response to your posting I want to express my concern for any families affected in the area of the fire, as well as for the library.

    • No problem, got it. Thanks for your concern, fortunately, there were no casualties (firefighters were struggling to contain the fire at its site), but in terms of damages, an initial estimate exceeds 500k as this was a heritage palace. Well, it will take a while until reconstruction begins

  3. karengadient says:

    That’s so sad, I couldn’t possibly hit ‘like’ on this post. Such a loss.

  4. I just read your other posting, Cristina, on the continual outpouring of Romanians to other countries in search of work. I have to question how much more your countrypeople can endure. They have lost the most precious of resources, the people themselves. This fire is the loss of a cultural treasure. When government and ruling elites are so impervious to the suffering and the messages embedded in the events unfolding it is a very dangerous time. We all hope and envision change, peaceful innovation and equitable progress. Sometimes, though, history repeats itself in the worst ways with violent revolutions. I hope that does not happen in your country.

    • Thank you! Indeed, the brain drain is still happening in every industry. 600 people required hospitalization in the last anti-governmental protest because they were gassed and beaten so the Government certainly does not listen or cares. Well, time will tell

      • Here in the US, Cristina, the corruption is rampant as well. It just gets dressed up in a costume of propaganda. Our elected officials put the lobbyists before their constituents. Tax cuts are promoted as a big gain for everyone but really the corporations benefit first and then in an ongoing way. The working people may see a slight increase but it is temporary. Salaries are still stagnant here. People work 2 jobs just to stay afloat. In New York, a young upstart recently won the nomination to run for office against her opponent who was 20 years in the same chair with little done for the working people. New York has become a playground for the rich and a place where trendies move to Brooklyn to feel good about themselves. But there is little concern for the working families. I like what the young woman running for congress has to say but she has not come forth with what she will do to get the funds and what actions she will take to make things happen. I wait and see and hope and vote. Then I go about my business. It is too toxic here to have deep, thought-out and respectiful conversations about what is going on with leadership.

      • Ocasio-Cortez? I might have read the news about her. Similar discourse over here though at a different level

  5. Yes, she is the one. News travels fast.

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